目录结构 code base structure
c10: core library; essential functionality; (moving ATen/core to it)
aten: cpp tensor library (no autograd)
- core: moving above
- native: operators
torch: python library (including csrc)
- autograd: automatic differenctiation
- api: cpp api
- distributed: distributed training
tools: code generation script
, view()
, expand()
and transpose()
# aten/src/ATen/native/TensorShape.cpp
split: narrow
narrow: slice
slice: as_strided
.shape .size()
// aten/src/ATen/BatchingRegistrations.cpp
TORCH_LIBRARY_IMPL(aten, Batched, m) {
// NB: static_cast because there's another variant of narrow. However, we don't
// want to support the other variant yet bc it isn't documented...
m.impl("narrow", static_cast<Tensor(*)(const Tensor&,int64_t,int64_t,int64_t)>(native::narrow)); // composite wrt autograd
// aten/src/ATen/native/TensorShape.cpp
Tensor narrow(const Tensor& self, int64_t dim, int64_t start, int64_t length) {
TORCH_CHECK(self.dim() > 0, "narrow() cannot be applied to a 0-dim tensor.");
auto cur_size = self.size(dim);
if (start != cur_size) { // start being the end is valid, but not a valid dim specification.
start = maybe_wrap_dim(start, cur_size);
TORCH_CHECK(length >= 0 && start <= cur_size - length,
"start (", start, ") + length (", length, ") exceeds dimension size (", cur_size, ").");
return at::slice(self, dim, start, start + length, 1);
Tensor narrow(const Tensor& self, int64_t dim, const Tensor& start, int64_t length) {
TORCH_CHECK(start.dim() == 0 && isIntegralType(start.scalar_type(), /*includeBool=*/false),
"start must be an 0-dim integral Tensor.");
int64_t st = start.item<int64_t>();
return at::narrow(self, dim, st, length);
内部使用 slice
函数,这个函数并没有 python 绑定。
// build/aten/src/ATen/RegisterFunctionalization_0.cpp
at::Tensor as_strided(c10::DispatchKeySet dispatchKeySet, const at::Tensor & self, at::IntArrayRef size, at::IntArrayRef stride, c10::optional<int64_t> storage_offset) {
auto self_ = at::functionalization::impl::from_functional_tensor(self);
at::Tensor tmp_output;
at::Tensor reference_tensor_output;
at::AutoDispatchSkipFunctionalize guard;
auto self_meta = at::native::empty_strided_meta(self.sizes(), self.strides(), /*dtype=*/c10::make_optional(self.scalar_type()), /*layout=*/c10:: make_optional(self.layout()), /*device=*/c10::make_optional(c10::Device(kMeta)), /*pin_memory=*/c10::nullopt);
reference_tensor_output = at::_ops::as_strided::call(self_meta, size, stride, storage_offset);
tmp_output = at::_ops::as_strided::redispatch(dispatchKeySet & c10::after_func_keyset, self_, size, stride, storage_offset);
// I'm fusing the [alias removal], [mutation removal], [add views back] passes together.
// Later, we'll want to turn them into separate passes (since e.g. vulkan only cares about alias removal).
at::functionalization::ViewMeta view_meta = at::functionalization::ViewMeta(
[size = size.vec(), stride = stride.vec(), storage_offset = storage_offset](const at::Tensor & base, int64_t mutated_view_idx) -> at::Tensor {
return at::_ops::as_strided::call(base, size, stride, storage_offset);
[size = size.vec(), stride = stride.vec(), storage_offset = storage_offset](const at::Tensor & base, const at::Tensor & mutated_view, int64_t mutated_view_idx) -> at::Tensor {
return at::functionalization::FunctionalInverses::as_strided_inverse(base, mutated_view, size, stride, storage_offset);
auto out = at::functionalization::impl::create_functional_tensor_with_view_meta(tmp_output, self, view_meta);
// See Note [Propagating strides in the functionalization pass]
at::functionalization::impl::set_sizes_strides_offset(out, reference_tensor_output);
return out;
定义在 torch/
中的 subclassed class
中的 ForkingPickler
RPC 分布式
rpc 函数
remote(), no return e.x. create table from driver