
First Glance

  • 通过装饰器实现功能


ray.init()Initialize Ray context.
@ray.remoteFunction or class decorator specifying that the function will be executed as a task or the class as an actor in a different process.@ray.remote @ray.remote
def fun(x):           class Actor(object):
…                            def method(y)
.remotePostfix to every remote function, remote class declaration, or invocation of a remote class method. Remote operations are asynchronous.ret_id = fun.remote(x)
a = Actor.remote()
ret_id = a.method.remote(y)
ray.put()Store object in object store, and return its ID. This ID can be used to pass object as an argument to any remote function or method call. This is a synchronous operation.x_id = ray.put(x)
ray.get()Return an object or list of objects from the object ID or list of object IDs. This is a synchronous (i.e., blocking) operation.x = ray.get(x_id)

objects = ray.get(object_ids)
ray.wait()From a list of object IDs returns (1) the list of IDs of the objects that are ready, and (2) the list of IDs of the objects that are not ready yet. By default it returns one ready object ID at a time.ready_ids, not_ready_ids =  ray.wait(object_ids)


  • 分布式异步调用
  • 内存调度
  • Pandas/Numpy 的分布式支持
  • 支持 Python
  • 整体性能出众


Ray (pickle5 + cloudpickle)

GitHub - ray-project/plasma: A minimal shared memory object store design

GitHub - cloudpipe/cloudpickle: Extended pickling support for Python objects

  • Plasma is an in-memory object store that is being developed as part of Apache Arrow

  • Ray uses Plasma to efficiently transfer objects across different processes and different nodes


  • An actor is essentially a stateful worker(or a service)

  • A new actor is instantiated, a new worker is created

  • When an actor contains async methods, the actor will be converted to async actors. This means all the ray’s tasks will run as a coroutine.

## 1
class Counter(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.value = 0
Counter = ray.remote(Counter)

## 1
class Counter(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.value = 0

## then
counter_actor = Counter.remote()

Actor vs Worker

Actor: a worker instantiated at runtime

Worker: python process, execute multiple tasks or actor (dedicated)

Fault Tolerance

  • task retry

  • actor retry

  • object retrieve or reconstruction


Airflow can be act as job manager in Ray

Code Structure


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  // IO Service for node manager.
  instrumented_io_context main_service;

  // Ensure that the IO service keeps running. Without this, the service will exit as soon
  // as there is no more work to be processed.
  boost::asio::io_service::work main_work(main_service);

  // Initialize gcs client
  std::shared_ptr<ray::gcs::GcsClient> gcs_client;
  gcs_client = std::make_shared<ray::gcs::GcsClient>(client_options); 

  std::unique_ptr<ray::raylet::Raylet> raylet;

  raylet = std::make_unique<ray::raylet::Raylet>(
      main_service, raylet_socket_name, node_ip_address, node_manager_config,
      object_manager_config, gcs_client, metrics_export_port);




Welcome to the Ray documentation — Ray 1.11.0

Ray 1.x Architecture - Google 文档