Deep Gradient Compression

Deep Gradient Compression: Reducing the Communication Bandwidth for Distributed Training

Yujun Lin et. al. Tsinghua University, ICLR 2018

Gradient exchange require hight bandwidth,

  • high latency
  • low throughput
  • poor connnection

Since 99.9% of the gradient exchange in SGD are redundant, propose deep gradient compression (DGC) to reduce communication bandwidth.

To preserve accuracy,

  • momentum correction
  • local gradient clipping
  • momentum factor masking, alleviate staleness
  • warm-up training

improving local gradient accumulation and overcomming the staleness effect


  • pushes the gradient compression ratio to up to 600×
  • not need to change the model structure
  • no loss of accuracy


  • only gradients larger than a threshold are transmitted
  • accumulate the rest of the gradients locally, local gradient accumulation is equivalent to increasing the batch size over time

DGC naively perform fine-grained (i.e., element-wise) top-k to select gradients, and thus the communication will suffer from increased allgather data volume as #nodes increases.

CSC modified the process with coarse-grained sparsification: gradients are partioned into chunks, allreduce the gradient chunks selected based on allreduced L1-norm of each chunk, which gets rid of the allgather and solves the problem.

deep-gradient-compression github


# configs/dgc/



from dgc.horovod.optimizer import DistributedOptimizer

# from dgc.compression import DGCCompressor
compression = configs.train.compression()
# cpr_parameters 即 dgc 处理的范围

# from dgc.optim import DGCSGD
optimizer = configs.train.optimizer(model.parameters())

# Horovod: wrap optimizer with DistributedOptimizer.
optimizer = DistributedOptimizer(
    optimizer, named_parameters=model.named_parameters(),

# 训练基本循环 zero_grad -> loss.backward -> optimizer.step
# 特别注意这里多次 backward 才走一次 step 更新
for step, (inputs, targets) in enumerate(...):

    # 这里用了内置循环累积梯度,比直接使用大 batch 剩显存
    # 注意这个 for 循环,对于 optimizer 里面理解 synchronize 过程非常重要
    for b in range(0, step_size, batch_size):
        _inputs = inputs[b:b+batch_size]
        _targets = targets[b:b+batch_size]
        _outputs = model(_inputs)
        _loss = criterion(_outputs, _targets)
        loss += _loss.item()


# dgc/horovod/

class _DistributedOptimizer(torch.optim.Optimizer):

    def __init__(self, ...):
        # 初始化最后注册 通信 hook
    def _register_hooks(self):
        for param_group in self.param_groups:
            for p in param_group['params']:
                if p.requires_grad:
                    # 注册函数只执行一次,这里 zero grad 不是每次调用 hook
                    p.grad =
                    # 创建幽灵 tensor 来累积梯度,节点间同步,直至更新;
                    # p_tmp 和 p 使用同样的 storage,不占用额外显存
                    p_tmp = p.expand_as(p)
                    grad_acc = p_tmp.grad_fn.next_functions[0][0]
                    # 注册 _make_hook 这个关键 hook

    def _make_hook(self, p):
        # 这个 hook 有一个计数器,_allreduce_delay, 根据对象 p 不一样可以取不一样的值
        # 计数器不为零时跳过,这样可以让 grad 在本地累积,因为这个 hook 是做通信的
        # 效果为这个 hook 在多次调用才会被执行一次
        def hook(*ignore):
            handle, ctx = None, None
            self._allreduce_delay[p] -= 1
            if self._allreduce_delay[p] == 0:
                handle, ctx = self._allreduce_grad_async(p)
            self._handles[p] = (handle, ctx)
        return hook

    # 然后主要流程 step
    def step(self, closure=None):
        return super(self.__class__, self).step(closure)

    # step 调用 synchronize, 可以有跳过逻辑
    def synchronize(self):
        # 处理 hook 注册不成功,或者说 hook 没有被调用
        # hook 被调用后会添加 self._handles
        missing_p = self._requires_update - set(self._handles.keys())
        for p in missing_p:
            handle, ctx = self._allreduce_grad_async(p)
            self._handles[p] = (handle, ctx)

        # handle 为 None 的 hook 跳过又不跳过了?
        # 需要注意 synchronize 函数每个 step 被调用,但不是每次 backward 都会被调用
        # 在之前的 train 中有每个 step 会多次 backward,所以 grad 的 hook 会被多次调用,次数匹配
        # 所以代码执行到这里 handle 应该是一次调用_allreduce_grad_async 如果不是就补上
        for p, (handle, ctx) in self._handles.items():
            if handle is None:
                handle, ctx = self._allreduce_grad_async(p)
                self._handles[p] = (handle, ctx)

        # for 循环处理异步通信的结果
        for p, (handle, ctx) in self._handles.items():
            output = self._synchronize_(handle)
            # 重置本地累积次数
            self._allreduce_delay[p] = self.backward_passes_per_step
            # 解压更新梯度
            p.grad.set_(self._compression.decompress(output, ctx))

        # 执行完毕,清理

    # 异步通信的 op,核心逻辑在 compression 中
    def _allreduce_grad_async(self, p):
        name = self._parameter_names.get(p)
        tensor_compressed, ctx = self._compression.compress(p.grad, name)

        handle = self._communicate_(tensor_compressed, name=name, op=self.op)
        return handle, ctx

  • hook 函数是一次注册,多次调用,所以 self._handles 会不断被填充,每次 synchronize 后可以被 clear
# dgc/

class DGCCompressor:
    def __init__(self, ...):
        self.attributes = {}

    def initialize(self, named_parameters):
        # 工作范围
        for name, param in named_parameters:
            self.attributes[name] = (numel, shape, num_selects, num_samples, top_k_samples, sample_stride)

    def _sparsify(self, tensor, name):
        # 选出稀疏的 tensor 去通信
        # 原实现中比较复杂
        # 先随机选取部分梯度值的 TOPK 来计算阈值
        # 然后通过该阈值对原 tensor 做稀疏化
        importance = tensor.abs()
        mask =, threshold)
        indices = mask.nonzero().view(-1)
        num_indices = indices.numel()
        # 这里实现上有个 for 循环确保选出的 topk 满足要求
        indices = indices[:num_selects]
        values = tensor[indices]
        return values, indices, numel, shape, num_selects

    def compress(self, tensor, name):
        if self.compress_ratio < 1.0 and name in self.attributes:
            # compress
            tensor_compensated = self.memory.compensate(tensor, name, accumulate=True)
            values, indices, numel, shape, num_selects = self._sparsify(tensor_compensated, name)
            self.memory.update(name, (indices, ))
            return tensor, ctx
            return tensor, ctx

    def decompress(self, tensor, ctx):
        name, numel, shape, vdtype, idtype, grad = ctx
        if self.compress_ratio < 1.0 and name in self.attributes:
            # 这里的 tensor 是个 tuple
            # decompress
            values, indices = tensor
            # 把同步回来的稀疏 tensor 对应位置更新
            # accumulate=True 处理 indices 中有重复的情况
            grad.zero_().index_put_([indices], values, accumulate=True)
            if self.op == Average:
                grad.mul_(1. / self.world_size)
            return grad.view(shape)
            return self.memory.compensate(tensor, name, accumulate=False)

    # optimizer _communicate_
    def communicate(self, tensor_compressed, name, op):
        # 两个分支
        if self.compress_ratio < 1.0 and name in self.attributes:
            # dgc 分支,tensor_compressed 是 tuple,各个节点选的 topk index 不相同
            # 所以使用 allgather 交换,然后各自解压、更新
            return [allgather_async_(t, name=f'{name}.t{e}')
                    for e, t in enumerate(tensor_compressed)]
            # 普通分支,直接 allreduce 完整 tensor
            return allreduce_async_(tensor_compressed, name=name, op=op)

    # optimizer _synchronize_
    def synchronize(self, handle):
        # from horovod.torch.mpi_ops import synchronize as synchronize_
        if isinstance(handle, (tuple, list)):
            return [synchronize_(h) for h in handle]
            return synchronize_(handle)


  • momentum correction
  • local gradient clipping
  • momentum factor masking, alleviate staleness
  • warm-up training

前三种策略在 Memory 实现

# dgc/

class DGCSGDMemory(Memory):

    def compensate(self, grad, name, accumulate=True):
        if self.gradient_clipping is not None:
            grad = self.gradient_clipping(grad)
        mmt = self.momentums[name]
        if accumulate:
            # Momentum Correction
            vec = self.velocities[name]
            if self.nesterov:
            return vec
            if self.nesterov:
                return mmt.add(grad)
                return mmt.clone()  # TODO: save this clone

    def update(self, name, ctx):
        indices = ctx[0]
        if self.momentum_masking:
            self.momentums[name].view(-1).index_fill_(0, indices, 0)
        self.velocities[name].view(-1).index_fill_(0, indices, 0)